Chinese music meets Indonesian gamelan – collaboration with Sutrisno Hartana

獲加拿大朱諾Juno音樂獎提名的蘭韻樂團以及印尼甘美朗(gamelan)音樂大師Sutrisno Hartana合作演出。「甘美」(gamel)在爪哇語解作敲擊,而字尾「朗」(an)用來標示名詞,合起來即敲擊樂的意思。甘美朗主要使用大大小小按照印尼音律音階排列的銅製樂器,另外還有笛子(suling)、胡琴(rebab),鼓手則是控制整個樂團的靈魂。甘美朗音樂是印尼宗教慶典中不可或缺的一環,也和生活息息相關,並且對西方近代音樂有著重要的啟發。
蘭韻樂團成員為來自台灣的二胡演奏家董籃 (Lan Tung)、古箏演奏家謝岱霖(Dailin Hsieh) 和加拿大擊樂演奏家Jonathan Bernard。蘭韻樂團跨界印尼甘美朗的合作,以獨特的樂器組合,加上Sutrisno Hartana與董籃兩人各自的特殊唱腔,是樂團繼與印度、中東、猶太、波斯、日本、越南、佛朗明哥、非洲等音樂家合作之後的又一次創新。
click on the photos to download high resolution version. Photographer Nenad Stevanovic
Orchid Ensemble & Sutrisno Hartana
Re-united after their 2008 collaboration, Vancouver’s JUNO nominated Orchid Ensemble will once again collaborate with musician/interdisciplinary artist Dr. Sutrisno Hartana, originally from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. They will perform on a unique combination of instruments: Chinese instruments – erhu (Chinese violin) and zheng (Chinese zither); gamelan instruments – suling (Indonesian flutes) and gendèr (set of tuned metal pieces arranged on a stand); vocals of ethnic roots; and percussion instruments from different parts of the world. The music include compositions by Dr. Hartana and Lan Tung, and structured/free improvisations that fuse together the cultures these musicians have come from.
Orchid Ensemble 蘭韻樂團:
Lan Tung 董籃 – erhu (Chinese violin) & vocals
Dailin Hsieh 謝岱霖 – zheng (Chinese zither)
Jonathan Bernard – percussion
special guest Sutrisno Hartana – suling, vocals, gender
Sutrisno Hartana is an arts educator, ethnomusicologist, researcher, and performer of gamelan and wayang (Indonesian puppetry) in North America. He has completed his doctoral degree in Art History and Visual Studies at the University of Victoria in Canada. He hold a MA in Ethnomusicology from the University of British Columbia in Canada. As a Javanese performing artist, he graduated his bachelor degree from the Indonesian Institute of Arts in Yogyakarta, Java. In 2004, the King of Paku Alaman garnered him the title “Mas Lurah Lebda Swara” making him a court musician at the Paku Alaman Palace in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He has toured/performed/taught internationally in both traditional and contemporary performances throughout Asia, Europe, and North America. Sutrisno has taught at School for the Contemporary Arts Simon Fraser University, and the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, as well as at Ningbo University in China.